Knowledge is Power.
For this reason, many Realtors® and investment agents like to hoard their knowledge to make sure that they retain that balance of power when dealing with clients. This has never been my philosophy.
As a former teacher, I understand that the true power of knowledge comes from sharing it. I have been in that position before when dealing with real estate agents. Finally after my frustration reached its peak, I decided to arm myself with the knowledge I wasn’t finding from the ‘experts’. I earned my Realtor® ’s license and promised myself that I wouldn’t join the ranks of useless information hogs.
What good are statistics, articles, and books if you cannot use that information to empower someone? How can you be sure that your Realtor® truly knows what they are doing, unless they are able to explain it to you in such a way that you understand?
For some time now I have been offering free seminars at my home on a variety of topics including Investing for Teens, Investing for Beginners, Useful Tips for Landlords, Home Decorating and Design Basics and many more. As Team Jamieson grows, however; and with everyone’s busy schedules, I wanted to find another way to be able to reach all my clients, their friends and family, and even some random stranger out there and share with them the various tidbits of information that I have gleaned over the years.
I also wanted the opportunity to informally introduce everyone to myself and my team. Over the course of the next while I hope to give my readers an understanding of basic real estate concepts, link them to interesting articles that will help them when making the decision of when and what to buy, introduce myself and my team and how they got involved in this business, share and explain various statistics related to Canada and Ottawa, provide useful tips for maintaining your current residence in top condition, and other various useful tidbits.
I plan to post at least one article per week, on Monday mornings. My team and I will also be tweeting various useful tips, hot deals, and Ottawa housing and financial statistics. We encourage everyone to follow us on both sites. We will also be holding regular prize draws for everyone who “follows” this blog.
Welcome to the Team Jamieson Experience. We hope that you will find this blog interesting, useful, and fun. If you have any questions or comments, email me at .
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