Monday, November 28, 2011

Keeping Your Home Winter Safe and Saving Money

We Canadians are used to cold, but sadly, many of us have no idea how to winter proof our homes. Poor preparation and inattention can cost you lots of money in repairs and heating bills. Here a few quick tips on how to keep your home in tip top shape.  

      Insulate your attic hatch.
Heat rises, so if you are finding it hard to keep your house warm, your attic might be poorly insulated. This is also a great time to check your roof for any moldy, weak, or leaky spots. Trust me, you don’t want a house full of snow because you didn’t check.

Check for leaks and seal all doors, windows and cracks.
Just because your windows are closed, doesn’t mean cold air isn’t getting in. If your windows tend to sing on windy days, you probably have a leak. Make sure all the edges are properly sealed.  You can find the source of the leak by lighting some incense near a window and seeing which way the smoke blows.  

Clean out your ducts and vents. Make sure they are all sealed properly.
Wintertime is bad for allergies. Before winter comes along, have your ducts and vents cleared free of dust and debris. This will also help with the flow of hot air. Make sure all the ducts are properly connected and sealed. Last thing you need is to spend extra money on heating because all the air is escaping in your basement. Remember, the only thing duct tape can’t be used for is to seal ducts.  

Properly insulate all of your electrical outlets.
Make sure you hire a professional to do this! Foam gaskets should be used around all electrical outlets to prevent moisture building up around them and cold air from getting in. If you can feel air coming out of your sockets, you need to insulate.  

To keep warm, have a party.
Most homes have the thermostat set too high. Turning it down just 1 degree can save you lots of money. If your house is properly insulated, your windows and doors sealed, and your outlets plugged, but you still feel cold, invite people over. Body heat can be a cheap and efficient way of heating up your home. And fun to! Why did you think it was called a house warming? 

From all of us at Team Jamieson, we hope you have a safe, happy, and fun winter.

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