Monday, November 21, 2011

What if I'm a renter? Tips from Anna

I moved to Ottawa in 2005, and not including a brief stint in Residence, I have lived in rentals that whole time. I have lived in most of the types of properties available. In total I have lived in 3 apartments, 2 house rentals, and 2 “room” rentals. Over the years I have developed a keen sense of what to look for when you are renting, as well as what is involved in the whole process. 

As a regular feature, I plan to cover some of the following topics: 
  • ·         Types of Rentals Available
  • ·         Finding a roommate
  • ·         How to protect yourself
  • ·         How to find a place.
  • ·         How to inspect a new, potential unit
  • ·         What is included in the rent
  • ·         Paying Rent; and
  • ·         The lease: types, co-signers, etc.
The place to start when you begin to rent is to figure out exactly what you want and what you can afford. A good key is to start with a budget. Figure out exactly how much you can afford for housing per month. Take out the cost of phone, internet, cable, and any other amenities you are going to need. The final number will be what you can afford in rent per month. 

For boyfriend and I can each afford $500 a month, for a total of $1000. The internet plan we use costs $60 a month. This means my boyfriend and I can afford to pay up to $940 per month in rent, utilities in.

Why is this budget so important? 

There is no point in looking at any places before you know how much you can spend. Not only that, but the type of rental you will be looking for will depend on how much you can afford. 

Anything less than $650 in Ottawa means you have almost no choice but to get a roommate, unless you want to live in student housing.

Between $500 - $750 you might be able to find your own place, depending on what you are willing to put up with. 

If you are willing to live with a roommate, than the options on housing are a lot greater. 

Your options of rentals are: 

Room in a House, Student Housing, House Rental, or Apartment

Each of these has their own distinct advantages and disadvantages, which I will discuss next time

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